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Kinshuk Jain

Reading list

Top 3 reading ​recommendations

The go giver: A Little Story About ​a Powerful Business Idea

A great book on business and ​buidling relations. I recommend it ​because it’s principles are highly ​actionable and will bring you ​instant results. It breaks down ​buidling businesses and building ​relationships into 5 simple ​steps/secrets. Once you read 2​-3 pages of this book you will ​be hooked​.

Mindset: How you can fulfill your ​potential

You will learn that success comes ​from practice. There is nothing ​such as born with high intelligence. ​From Beethoven to Einstein, Dweck ​shows hows all the greats became ​great by practice and dedication. ​This book will show you, you ​already have everything you need ​to succeed.

Tough times never last, but tough ​people do!

This book is INSPIRING! Teaches ​you about the art of success. A true ​story about a man who came from ​nothing but managed to build one ​of the biggest religious ​organisations in the world. When ​your back is against the wall and ​you have no where to go, this book ​will show you the way. Absolutely ​lovely!